On Saturday from 11.00 am, at Bristol Grammar, a group of our juniors will represent Somerset in the Wales and West Jamboree! They will be pitted against the best in their age groups from around the region and Wales. There will be 3 rounds with the players having 30 minutes (20 minutes for the under-is) on the clock plus 10 seconds extra for each move played.
… and who are these wonderful talents?
Under 18
Edward Ames
Oliver Hammond
Under 14
Hugo Surendranth
Cinar Ersoy
Elliot Lomas
Under 11
Lev Molokonov
William Loverock
Under 9
Jacob Lewis
To support them, this Friday 6-7pm at the junior club there will be a session to prepare them for the day:
What to expect
How to support one another
How to behave
How to deal with disappointment
How to deal with stress and anxiety
What to do when confused
How to enjoy the experience
This is yet another fantastic first for our very young club!

We might even get at chance to play some chess!