Thanks to Jane's phenomenal energy, Katina's culinary magic and Zahra's amazing organisational skills - combined with Chris and George's abundant skill and experience of organising Junior Chess events, backed up by Jim, Andrew and SJ's tireless work controlling the various age groups and Jack's help in setting everything up … and then there was Dan who checked everyone in, sorted out the lanyards, wrist bands, acted as door man and kept calm amidst the chaos! I think we can say that our first Junior Rapidplay was an outstanding success!
Congratulations to James Thomas who played with a great deal of maturity and skill to come out as the clear winner of the event. There are too many other highlights to mention here but if you are interested in the results (which miss out all the fun and drama) you can view them here:
Tomorrow night I'll put up some further details!
... and we'll be back! (sorry, I don't know how to make that sound like Sylvester Stallone 🤔)